_John (Thomas) BROOKE __+ _Thomas BROOKE _____| | |_Jane Maurell MEVERELL _+ | |--Edward BROOKE | | _Hugh STARKEY __________+ |_Elizabeth STARKEY _| |_Margaret EGERTON ______+
__ __| | |__ | |--Anthony BROWN | | __ |__| |__
__ __| | |__ | |--Duncan (Dungad) Earl Of CAITHNESS | | __ |__| |__
_Walter DE CALTHORPE _+ _Roger DE CALTHORP _| | |______________________ | |--Ela CALTHORPE | | ______________________ |____________________| |______________________
_Robert CLAVERING ______+ _John FitzRobert CLAVERING _| | |_Margaret CAYNETO ______+ | |--Roger FitzJohn De Baliol CLAVERING | | _Hugh DE BALIOL ________ |_Ada BALIOL ________________| |_Cecily DE LA FONTAINE _+
__ _William DE LA BROOKE _| | |__ | |--Henry DE LA BROOKE | | __ |_______________________| |__
__ __| | |__ | |--William DE VERNON | | __ |__| |__
_Egbert, King Of WESSEX ________+ _Ethelwulf King Of WESSEX _| | |_Redburh, Queen Of WESSEX ______ | |--Alfred "The Great" King of ENGLAND | | _Oslac, Chief Butler Of WESSEX _ |_Osburgh Queen Of WESSEX __| |________________________________
Alfred was one of the greatest military leaders in history; crowned atWinchester Cathedral in 871; founded the British Navy; a scholar, etc.The Mercian kingdom ended during his reign "and in 886 Alfred'sauthority was accepted by all Englishmen who were not under the powerof the Danes. From this time onward the history of Wessex is thehistory of England." {-Encyclopaedia Britannica, '56, 23:520;cf.8:483. Primary source is "Life of King Alfred," Bishop Asser,trans. L. C. Jane (London: Chatto & Windus Ltd., 1924).} -----Compton's Encyclopedia (America Online, 1995) records: ALFRED THEGREAT (848?-899). The course of English history would have been verydifferent had it not been for King Alfred. He won renown both as astatesman and as a warrior and is justly called "the Great." TheEngland of Alfred's time was a country of four small Saxon kingdoms.The strongest was Wessex, in the south. Born in about 848, Alfred wasthe youngest son of Ethelwulf, king of Wessex. Each of Alfred's threeolder brothers, in turn, ruled the kingdom. Alfred was by temperamenta scholar, and his health was never robust. Nevertheless in his earlyyouth he fought with his brother Ethelred against Danish invaders.Alfred was 23 when Ethelred died, but he had already won theconfidence of the army and was at once acclaimed king in 871. By thistime the Danes, or Vikings, had penetrated to all parts of the island.Three of the Saxon kingdoms--Northumbria, Mercia, and East Anglia--hadone after another fallen to the Danish invaders. Under Alfred'sleadership, the Saxons again found courage. The worst crisis came inthe winter of 877, when the Danish king, Guthrum, invaded Wessex withhis army. In 878 Alfred was
defeated at Chippenham, where he was celebrating Christmas, and wasforced to go into hiding. A few months later he forced Guthrum tosurrender at Chippenham. The Danes agreed to make the Thames River andthe old Roman road called Watling Street the boundary between Alfred'skingdom and the Danish lands to the north. The treaty, however, didnot assure permanent peace. The Danes assaulted London and the coasttowns repeatedly. In about 896 they finally admitted defeat and ceasedtheir struggle for a foothold in southern England. Alfred was muchmore than the defender of his country. He took a keen interest in lawand order and was concerned with the improvement of the culturalstandards of his people. He encouraged industries of all kinds andrebuilt London, which had been partly destroyed by the Danes. Hecollected and revised the old laws of the kingdom. He invited learnedmen from other countries to instruct the people because even theclergy of Wessex no longer knew Latin, the international language ofthe church. He established a school similar to the Palace School ofCharlemagne. The "books most necessary for all men to know" weretranslated from Latin into English so that the people might read them.Alfred himself took a part in preparing the translations. The`Anglo-Saxon Chronicle' was probably begun under his direction. Alfreddied at the age of about 51 in 899. He was in no sense a true king ofEngland, for he ruled less than half of the
island. After his death, however, his capable son, Edward the Elder,and his grandsons extended their rule over all of England.
__ _Robert HONE _| | |__ | |--Joan HONE | | __ |_Johane ______| |__
____________ _Isaiah HURLBURT ____| | |____________ | |--Martha HURLBURT | | _J SHANNON _ |_Temperance SHANNON _| |____________
_Josiah LAMB ______+ _John LAMB ________| | |_Naomi UNDERHILL __+ | |--Josiah LAMB | | _Aaron MENDENHALL _+ |_Lydia MENDENHALL _| |_Miriam RICH ______+
_William LEWIS ___+ _William LEWIS _| | |_Felix COLLINS ___+ | |--Hannah LEWIS | | _William HOPKINS _ |_Mary HOPKINS __| |_Mary ANDREWS ____
_Adrian LUCY _ _Richard DE LUCY _| | |_Aveline _____ | |--Aveline LUCY | | ______________ |_Rohaise _________| |______________
_Thomas DE MOULTON _ _Thomas DE MOULTON _| | |_Emoine BOTELER ____ | |--Aline MULTON | | _Hubert DE VAUX ____ |_Maud VAUX _________| |_Margaret BURGH ____
__ __| | |__ | |--Agnes Countess of PONTHIEU | | __ |__| |__
_Cynric King Of WESSEX _+ _Ceawlin, King Of WESSEX _| | |________________________ | |--Cuthwine Prince Of WESSEX | | ________________________ |__________________________| |________________________