__ __| | |__ | |--Wilbuiga | | __ |__| |__
__ __| | |__ | |--Alice AVENELL | | __ |__| |__
_Richard BARTTELOT _+ _William BARTTELOT _| | |_Elizabeth GATES ___+ | |--Edmond BARTLETT | | _Giles COVERT ______+ |_Anne COVERT _______| |_Jane CORKE ________
[245] Name may be Barttelot
__ _William LINDSAY _| | |__ | |--David DE LINDSAY | | __ |_Alianore ________| |__
_Guillaume I "Long Sword" Duke of NORMANDY _+ _Richard I "the Fearless" Duke of NORMANDY _| | |_Sprota of SENLIS __________________________+ | |--William Count of HIESMES | | _Herbastus DE CRÊPON _______________________ |_Gonnor of CRÊPON __________________________| |____________________________________________
[1272] Count of Heismes and Eu, Lord of Monstreul.
_Roger MAINWARING __+ _William MAINWARING _| | |_Christian BRITLES _ | |--William MAINWARING | | _Henry DAVENPORT ___+ |_Mary DAVENPORT _____| |____________________
__ __| | |__ | |--Honor NEWTON | | __ |__| |__
Honor, was buried there on 21 Aug. 1637. But she left behind aremarkable will, penned at Dorchester, co. Dorset, and dated 19 July1637, in which she leaves 12 pence apiece to "...all my grandchildrenin New England, both sonnes and daughters of Richard Rockwell, WilliamRockwell, and John Rockwell."
Honor Rockwell's will - From "Rockwell Families from the Beginning ofTime and Forever" by Ross Robert Rockwell. 1975. pg 1. Contributed byJanis D. Townsend. Date of Death: 1637
"In the name of god Amen. The ninteenth day of July One thousand sixhundred thirty and seaven I HONER ROCKWELL of Dorchester in the Countyof Dorset, widow, doe make this my Laste will and Teastament in mannerand for me following: first and before all things I Bequeath my souleunto almighty god my Creator and body to the earth and ChristianBuriall.
Imprimeis I Give and bequeath unto Six of my Grandchildern the Sonnesand Daughters of my Son Richard Rockwell deceased, Thomas, Joseph,Nathaniell, Samuell, Deberath and Mary Twenty shilling apeece to bepaid unto them and to Either of them when they shall come to the Ageof one and twenty yeeres, with Condition they shall give my Executor aRecipt for every paiment.
Item I give unto my Son Roger Rockwells Childern ten shillings apeecewhen they shall come to the Age of one and twenty yeeres. I give toall my grandchildern in new england, both sonnes and daughters ofRichard Rockwell William Rockwell and John Rockwell, twelve penceapeece to be paide at the age of one and twenty yeares. Item I giveunto my daughter Jane Farthing all my wearing apparell except my bestwhitle wch I give to Abigall Rockwell daughter of my Son RogerRockwell. All the Rest of my goods not yet given nor bequeathed I Giveunto my Son Roger Rockwell whome I make my whole and sole Executor tothis my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day andyeare first above written. Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Henry Bridges
Tho: Poole
The Marke of Honer Rockwell
Sealed with a signet ring bearing a device, apparently a swan.Probated London, Jan. 26, 1637-38 by oath of Roger Rockwell, executor.Endorsed: "Tempp. mortis suae de ffitsed in com. Somers. vide cert."(Death certificates were kept by executors and are therefore not atSomerset House.)..."
__ _Nila OLSSON _______| | |__ | |--Jons NILSSON | | __ |_Kierstina MANSSON _| |__